Sleep for Fatloss and Toning

Not getting enough sleep? 😴

Maybe you feel that 6 hours is all you need…

With busy working, training and social lives these days sleep is often overlooked and is put on the back-burner. So here below we have laid the truth about sleep with help from Dr. Matthew Walker.

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Larry Brady
So you don't have the time..

For most, time is like a bank account. 💶 There is only so much there of it to be spent before there is none left 😳. Everyone has time to exercise. In this post we give an example of how our clients and coaches maximise their health and fitness by doing this one task religiously and thus only spending 1.7% of their time on training🤩

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Larry BradyUnit 13 Fitness
Core Training

Everyone is interested in training their core!

Increasing core strength can lead to:

  • Reduction in lower back discomfort

  • Better posture

  • Less trips to the physiotherapist.

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Larry Brady
Home Gym Equipment

A concise guide for what you need to buy! Again there are OPTIONS and you do not have to buy it all! A few essential bits will cost you €14-€25! While on the opposite end you can get a barbell, bench etc that will have you set for life!

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Larry Brady
Abs and Core Work

This article is the full truth.

  1. Abs are not what gives you a strong core.

  2. Getting abs stems from what you eat. Acquiring a Nutritionist like say The Fit Clinic is your best option. You cannot cheat a bad diet.

  3. This short video below from Coach Rob will give you everything you need to strengthen your core and thus strengthen all of your lifts if worked on consistently

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Sean Heagney
Gym Equipment - Home Workouts

Frustrated with lifting bags of sugar over your head? Maybe you are thinking of investing in some equipment?💶 NOTE: For what you realistically need it wont cost you more than €14-€125... But it may be time to start investing in a little equipment...🏋️‍♀️So here is what id suggest with a budget!👇

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