Lockdown Strength (Article 1)

Is it possible to get stronger during a lockdown?🧐 

The meaning of strength has various representations ⚠️

Strength to us is:

🌟‘The ability to be well rounded in all aspects of fitness to enhance ones quality of life’.🌟

Right now people don't have access to gyms.

So how do you get stronger in a lockdown? 🤨 


Fitness comes in many forms. However we have picked a few for this example. (See Pie chart). Here you can see we have estimated that my various levels of fitness are broken into upper body strength, Lower body strength, core strength, cardiovascular fitness and mobility.

Pie chart for strength

Try it yourself.

1️⃣ Take a pen and paper and write down these basic headings and see where you feel your strengths lie. THEN pick 2 items to work on.

2️⃣ Then from there focus in on how to get those 2 things better. As an example if you feel your mobility and core need improving… well become obsessed with those areas.

3️⃣Ask questions. Make a plan. Reach out for help. Yes you still train the other areas of your body. However dont get caught up on the losses. 

As an example developing your core will make it MUCH easier to brace under the barbell if done correctly. While developing your mobility now will reduce the amount of time you need to spend mobilising your body before sessions. Thus making it much easier to come up out of any sticking point when coupled with a half decent squat programme! 🤩

Try it.

Less is more in times like this!

Larry Brady