Top Tips To "Tighten" Up My Stomach

Muscle-gain and fat-loss are surprisingly similar when we boil it all down

  • We need to be constantly progressing our training - always striving to be stronger to maintain the muscle we have, or build more

  • We need to be consistent with our nutrition - Eating ~2x our bodyweight in protein (grams) and ensuring we are averaging less food than we burn, or more if we’re prioritising muscle-gain and aiming to be as effective as possible

  • We also need to be on top of our recovery - sleeping 7hrs + to manage our hunger levels and allow for enough time for our muscles to repair (which happens when we are asleep)


When building muscle, we can preferentially target areas we want to grow

I.e. Do more RDL’s, squats and lunges for bigger legs

Or more bicep curls and tricep extensions for t-shirt tearing arms

Fat-loss is different!

We can not spot reduce body-fat!

No amount of ab crunches or stomach-slimming smoothies make a difference

Not if you’re not consistently in a calorie-deficit

We all have stubborn areas, where body-fat is slower to go from

As a rule of thumb, females are inclined to carry more body-fat around their hips and thighs

It’s not a bad thing - it’s super important for pregnancy

Men may well have more abdominal fat

And seeing slow progress with it doesn’t mean things aren’t moving in the right direction

It simply means more time to tackle those stubborn areas, which will go eventually

It’s by no means a waiting game - it’s a keep pushing in the gym, continue to count your calories and maintain that moderate deficit game

It’s not a question of “will it happen?” but more so a matter of “when?”

Keep ticking these boxes and you WILL see the results you want!

Larry Brady