Keep The Curries & Carbonaras In Your Diet - Because What's The Alternative?!

When I say diet, I don’t mean deficit - I’m talking about your nutritional habits and routine

What you eat, when you eat and yes, how much you eat (ensuring first and foremost that you are eating enough!)

Time and time again, when speaking to new clients about their nutritional habits and whom are seeking to embrace a healthier lifestyle, we hear the “I know I need to completely change what I’m eating but I’ve been finding it difficult doing it by myself”.

Understandably so, because if you feel like what you’re doing hasn’t been working, then changes are needed

In saying that, small additions to what you’re currently doing will serve you far better than throwing out the baby out with the bath water and trying to revolutionise your approach

Why change all the foods you like for foods you don’t in the name of health?

Firstly, how long do you think it will last?

Secondly, is it healthy if you don’t like anything you’re eating and maybe feel stressed or frustrated as a result?

The good thing is you don’t need to do this. In fact, you’ll bear more fruits from doing less.


Whatever you eat, can you add some (or more) protein to it?

i.e. If you eat salad or soup for lunch, can you add a protein yogurt, tuna or chicken sandwich or chicken chunks into it?

Can you ensure that whatever you’re currently eating that you get some fruit or veg with it?

This is the lowest hanging fruit for most and will improve your diet 10 fold before doing anything else

These two things alone will enhance your recovery, get more nutrients into your diet and will fill you far more to help curb the cravings and snacking

So, if you enjoy cooking carbonaras and curries, keep on cookin’! - just add a bit of chicken to keep you happy and healthy with ease!

Sean Heagney