Picking Up The Pace - Fat-Loss Guide (Part II)

So, following on from last week, sleep, hydration and a regular routine are hopefully well under control

*These are the first steps to long-lasting results and skipping these/ignoring their importance will lead to your results being short-lived (so if you haven’t read last week’s blog, I’d advice having a look now!)

The next thing we need to do is have specific parameters to guide our nutrition choices and activity levels

Nutrition - tracking ‘x’ calories & protein intake as per our coaches recommendations (a calculated estimate) (calorie tracking is the easiest way to quantify our calorie intake as accurately as possible)

Exercise - training ‘y’ days per week and doing ‘z’ steps each week (collaboratively agreed upon with your Coach to fit with your life)

The second is having objective measures to tell us whether what we’re doing is working for us (multiple scale weights per week, weekly progress pictures, tape measurements - generally 2 of 3 is enough!)

We recommend sticking to these as specified for you by a UNIT 13 Coach every day for 14 days before changing (this allows us understand if the recommendations are appropriate and how, if any, changes should be made to start seeing results (this is often where we see people struggle when progress isn’t instantaneous)

Calories are determined from a specific calculator based on your age, weight, height and activity levels but isn’t 100% accurate 100% of the time - so some refining is normal at the start to find the right balance for you.

And once things start moving, we know we’re on the right track with the nutrition and activity levels

To accurately track your weight, it’s important we take multiple weights rather than just one (as one weight can be on a day when we weigh heavier because we had a later meal last night/drank more water/ate more carbohydrates and thus weigh heavier - THIS DOES NOT MEAN WE’VE GAINED FAT AS OUR AVERAGE WEIGHT (7 DAY TOTAL / 7) MAY BE LOWER THAN LAST WEEK

So, beware of false positive from infrequent weighins - it can be more harm than good!

After this, it’s a matter of ticking the 2 boxes -

  1. ‘x’ weekly calorie average (total week intake / 7)

2. Activity (train ‘y’ times and ‘z’ steps achieved)

3. Taking objective measures (4-7 weekly weights in morning after using the toilet & weekly progress pics for you to compare after 4+ weeks when you may begin to see the changes you’re implementing)

Any questions on finding out your x, y and z numbers, simply ask one of your Coaches for help starting off!

We love to help! 😅

Larry Brady