Why Fat-Loss Progress Has Been Painfully Slow...

Fat-loss is a simple formula

Calories in < Calories out

Easy, right? Follow a 1200 calorie diet and watch the weight fall off us

Have you tried it? How did it go? Did you make progress? Did you maintain it?

In our experience, it’s very easy to dish out a low calorie diet and say “stick to that and you’ll be grand”

But our philosophy is different - it’s built on education, empowerment and enjoyment

Empowering you with education as to how best navigate obstacles which cause most people to lose momentum and ultimately, never enjoy the end result they set out to achieve.

The enjoyment comes from seeing results in your appearance, while simultaneously enjoying increased energy and training performance/strength gains!

Because you can’t pour from an empty cup.

So, what does this look like in practice?

Firstly, nail your sleep!

Poor sleep means you’re energy deprived, your will-power to train and eat well is immediately lower, and your body craves higher calorie, sugary foods to get the energy it’s not getting through sleep.

This makes sticking to you calorie allowance harder.

That’s why 7 hours sleep is a minimum non-negotiable we loo to establish with all clients right from the start

Secondly, is food selection

Think 80:20 - 80% of your foods are sourced from highly nutritious whole foods (lean meats <5% fat, potatoes, rice, oats, natural yogurts etc etc) - basically, the foods you were most likely reared on! As well as 5 fruit & veg per day, which enhance our health and fill us up (typically low calorie foods)

Second to this, is your protein intake - protein foods are typically much more filling than carbohydrates or fats, and so, hunger and cravings become less of an issue

3 protein-dense (1-2 fist-sized portions) meals per day is one non-negotiable standard we support clients to integrate into their day

Thirdly, is hydration

Dehydration most often masquerades itself as hunger

And it’s one of the lowest hanging fruit many people looking to get in better shape come to us with

So, make it easy

Each time you have one of your 3 main meals, have a pint glass of water


If you sit at a desk, bring a litre bottle of water and aim to finish it by the end of your work day

Wham, bam, 2.5L water, thank you Mam!

Nail these 3 habits, I can promise you that you’ll see more fat-loss results while eating more food, less focused on what you can and “can’t” eat, and getting stronger at the same time.

Because, when hunger is better managed, consistency is easier, and that’s what it’s all about!

It’s almost like a cheat code 🤫

Sean Heagney