What Happens When Things Plateau? - Fat-Loss Part III

So, now we’ve calorie targets, steps and training targets to work with

You’re ticking the boxes each week, making great progress

But what happens when fat-loss progress begins to plateau (this is determined by static weight over 10-14 day period)

We have a few things to play with to start moving the needle in the right direction again

1. Confirm what we’re tracking is the same as what we’re eating

  • Are you tracking all tastes, bites and snacks in the home and in the office/in town?

  • Are you tracking all cooking oils, butters, food dressings?

  • Are you tracking uncooked weight or cooked weight? (ensure what you’re logging specifies raw or cooked so there’s no discrepancy

2. Once we’ve confirmed your tracking is 100%, your steps are consistent and are training regularly, we may have to either…

  • Reduce calories (~10-15% drop)

  • Increase steps (add ~2000 steps daily)

This is because over a period of time losing body-fat, we become lighter, our energy demands reduce because there is less of us to support and so our targets will need to adapt in accordance with your changing bodyweight

This is really important to bear in mind as what once worked for us may no longer be appropriate to make more progress

This is something that can be overlooked but is super important to understand

As is double-checking that your tracking is on point before dropping calories as we always want to eat as much as we can, right? 😅

Larry Brady