Progress Is Mostly A Mexican Wave 🇲🇽

As much as our rational self says “I know”, it’s worth reminding that…

Progress is never linear, if anything, it’s more like a Mexican wave

With ups and downs as we go

Fun while we’re riding the crest of the wave and a bit of “What’s going on? How long do we wait before we do something?

The same is true when we have a week where we don’t see progress in the gym, our scale weight doesn’t move or we found it hard to keep our sleep high and stress low

The best thing to do is nothing

Change nothing, for another week at least

There are so many variables that can stop us seeing progress on the surface while still making monumental strides if we stood back and had a look

  • High stress -> Poor sleep -> Poor session performance -> Not progressing weight/reps

  • Eating late / high salt & carb foods (retain more water) -> Higher morning scale weight

    • *You are most likely losing body-fat but additional food masks this

For this reason, it’s so important we don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater

Ask yourself how life was this week? How was your sleep / nutrition / general mood & stress compared to other weeks?

You will likely find a few things which may have knocked you off your course a bit

It’s part and parcel of life, everyone, even us coaches who you may think never stray from perfect practice, have up and down days and weeks

It’s being able to have that objective insight to say “it’s not broke, ‘X’ & ‘Y’ simply weren’t where they usually are and may explain things”

Then we go again - the most crucial time to be consistent is when it feels like things aren’t running so smoothly

You’ll enjoy the payoff the week or two after… undoubtedly!

Sean Heagney