Life Is Like Golf - Play The Long Game!

Contrary to popular belief, life isn’t exactly short - it’s the longest thing we will ever do!

Therefore, when we’re trying to better ourselves, why does it have to be done in a 6 week transformation?

The chances are we didn’t get to where we are in 6 weeks, so we’re unlikely to get to where we envision our ideal selves to be in the same short window

If anything we want to avoid a ‘Boom-Bust’ cycle of training 5x week, only eating “clean foods” and having no social life, before inevitably and expectedly going to the opposite end of the spectrum because it takes its toll

Understandably so!

But is why many people who struggle to accomplish their goals - extreme short lived efforts & impatience

When making changes to compliment our health and fitness, it’s important we start with what we can honestly see ourselves doing for 52 weeks of the year

Training in the gym 2-3 times

Making 75-80% of what we eat whole nutritious foods vs the pressure of 100% clean eating

Eating to fuel ourselves and feel good first and foremost - the calorie cutting can come after when we’ve a stable structure built

This also makes it much easier to adjust our intake when we have a good routine, and can manipulate the quantity of foods rather than make extreme changes to facilitate our current goals

Essentially, we should start with the intention of doing things in a certain way now which will stand to us when we are 70, 80 or 90 years old

We are the average of all our actions - therefore doing the right things most of the time across a 20 to 30 year span will stand to us far better than an intensive 6 week training routine which dies off for 6 months

Sean Heagney