6 Week Transformations - Yay or Nay?

Transformation programmes have become all the rage in recent years, particularly any 6 week commitment destined to “transform” your body!

And since their inception, they have been nothing if not controversial;

Some supporters of them say “They’re a great way to build momentum and seeing what can be achieved in 6 weeks, it helps people to recognise their potential, which before now, they may have never believed was there.”

Others who are less optimistic about their benefits believe “They encourage an unsustainable lifestyle without any emphasis on education, and ultimately lead to the client spiralling back to where they started prior to the transformation.”

There’s truth to both sides of the argument.

When properly structured and delivered, and with a focus on the right type of wins i.e. education leading to autonomy, being able to enjoy 1 chocolate bar instead of 5, building habits now which will serve a lifetime, as well as clear communication between Coach and Client that 6 weeks is only the beginning of a bigger journey…

Then YES transformation programmes have their place.


This is usually not what the emphasis is on when your local PT advertises their ‘6 week total body transformation’

In many cases, it’s a way to get a few decent before and after photos to further advertise their service, and continue making money using the same generalised ‘cookie cutter’ programme and meal plan.

The best piece of advice I can give you is this;

Don’t expect to achieve everything you want in 6 weeks.

Whether you want to make the gym part of your week, or you’re looking to get shredded for Summer

Enjoy the process as much as the end goal;

✅ How much stronger you’re getting

✅ You’re now enjoying exercising and the gym (Who would’ve thought eh!?😅)

✅ You’re sleeping better & bouncing with energy

✅ You’ve no more pain in your knees or shoulders

✅ That you ARE making strides - look leaner in the mirror

✅ Your jeans are fitting better

✅ You feel confident in a swim suit or with your t-shirt off at the pool

View a Transformation Programme as the start or part of your journey, and while the goal posts may change relating to your desired outcome, you and your COACH always place a big emphasis on the process

On healthy practices

On restraint rather than restriction

Build habits into YOUR day which suit YOUR lifestyle and ultimately give YOU the power and freedom to make informed decisions which benefit YOU!

Sean Heagney